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5 Crucial Signs Your Home Control System Needs an Upgrade

5 Crucial Signs Your Home Control System Needs an Upgrade

Elevate Your Virginia Home With Smarter Home Control!

The smart home concept continually evolves to meet current technologies. Just think about how many new and improved capabilities we see at CEDIA and CES every year: once you think you’ve seen it all, technology gets smarter, and you’ve have plenty of necessary upgrades.

The ultimate goal of your Suffolk, VA smart home is to automate and streamline your lifestyle. Your security, entertainment, audio, lighting and video should integrate to create maximum convenience. While you might have added a few new upgrades in recent years, here are some telltale signs that the changes you made barely scratched the surface of what a home control system can do for you. 

SEE MORE: How Much Is Your Cheap Smart Home Control System Costing You?

Your Network is Sluggish

A smart home is like an information highway that gets cluttered with too much traffic and competes for bandwidth to perform. If you’ve experienced your system stalling out while you’re watching a movie, music, you can probably blame your network

Did you call a network installation specialist to set up your network, or did you try to DIY? When you have multiple smart technologies, you’ll need a pro to help you analyze and configure your smart home systems. 

Your Security System isn’t Up to Date

You made the initial investment in your security system but stopped there. Maybe you had some smart locks involved, but you still can’t access camera footage on your phone while you’re away. An extra security cushion is essential and should be your top priority when creating a home control system. 

Besides the most apparent reason -- that it protects your family and possessions -- a smart security system, perhaps more than any other feature, encourages future buyers to consider your home. If you invest in upgrading your security first you will get better returns on your home sale. 

Your devices are outdated

Did you start buying smart devices when they started trending but haven’t updated a single one? Maybe you aren’t getting real-time notifications when someone approaches your property. Or your winter heating bills are still soaring because your home isn’t smart enough to monitor your energy usage from a smart thermostat. Perhaps you have a huge, clunky remote instead of sleek touchpads throughout the house. All of these signs point to missing out on the capabilities of today’s smart home

You’re not harnessing the power of automation

If you still feel as though you’re doing most of the legwork when operating your smart home control, you could use an upgrade. Remember: home automation should function with little guidance, and all your systems should collaborate. If you can’t set schedules for your lighting, shades, temperature control and music right now, maybe you should call a professional to sync your technologies correctly. 

You’ve considered putting your house on the market

According to a Coldwell Banker study, many homebuyers are looking to buy homes with smart features. In fact, about one-third of agents said homes with smart features sell faster, and that homebuyers were most interested in security systems, temperature control and safety, closely followed by lighting and entertainment.

If any of the signs above sound like you, it’s time to talk to a professional about installing and configuring your dream smart home. Contact us by filling out our online form; we look forward to following up with you. 

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