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Why You Need to Upgrade Your Home Network Before School Starts

Why You Need to Upgrade Your Home Network Before School Starts

Understand the Needs Presented by New Remote Learning Requirements 

This year has been filled with many unprecedented challenges. People are working, and even dating, from home via Zoom, and parents and children are facing the daunting prospect of going to school from home.

As the summer comes to an end, looking for ways to make this coming school year run as smoothly as possible should be at the forefront of every parent’s mind. Having their kids attend school virtually from home is not ideal for most parents (to say the least).

With everyone online at the same time doing critical work, a problem with your home network can have a huge effect on the family, keeping the kids from learning and keeping you from doing your job.

An efficient home network can improve the school year for you and your family. Our customers in the Suffolk, VA area know how important this truly is.

SEE ALSO: Make Your Home Holiday-Ready With A Network Upgrade

1. You May Need New Smart Devices That Require a Strong, Reliable Network To Run Smoothly

As we head into the future of digital work and learning, we all have to face the possibility that both parents and children will need new devices, like additional routers and wireless access networks, to make the home more digital friendly.

Our team of experts will make sure that all of your computers and smart devices on your network are running as smoothly as possible by adding the necessary components to strengthen your network signal and extend it to every corner of your property. 

With a professional networking installation, you get the confidence that this virtual school year won’t get off track.

2. Network Security Is Critical to Keeping Your Devices from Being Hacked

As internet security measures improve, so do hackers' abilities to get past them.

Malware and identity theft are just a couple of the threats you need to be aware of. Along with data encryption and firewalls, we can also install a mesh network so your devices can be obscured.

This mesh network can also improve your network's overall performance.

Since all of your devices that connect to the internet could be possible entry points for hackers, you need home network installation experts who can ensure your and your children’s devices are as protected as possible.

Let’s Get Your Network Upgraded In Time For The New School Year

With the school year right around the corner, it’s time to talk about how we can upgrade your home network.

Contact us today.

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